Video: Aleyda Solis on remote SEO work, international SEO and YouTube optimization

The international SEO superstar gives up advice on managing her SEO clients while traveling to help educate the SEO industry.

We also talked about a topic she spoke about at SMX West just weeks ago around how to optimize your YouTube channel to increase subscribers and video views. It was an enlightening conversation, I learned a lot from her in the video and her presentation.

We also spoke about international SEO, a topic she is known to be one of the leaders in. For her, international SEO and the details that go into it come naturally. She doesn’t know why it is hard for other SEOs. But I guess that makes sense, most experts, find what they do easy because they are just so good at it.

I started this vlog series recently, and if you want to sign up to be interviewed, you can fill out this form on Search Engine Roundtable. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.