France Testing Anti-Drone Laser System for 2024 Olympics

The French military is testing a laser-powered anti-drone system it hopes can be used to protect the 2024 Olympics.

Once used primarily for entertainment and photography, drones are taking on new roles as they become more advanced. Companies are using them for deliveries, and militaries around the world are relying on them more and more. Unfortunately, that also means drones can pose a threat to events such as the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

The French military is turning to laser technology to shoot down drones, successfully completing a test off of the Atlantic coast, according to Reuters.

“We aim to have a fully operational system in time for the 2024 Summer Olympics”, a ministry spokesperson said.

“We need to adapt to a constantly changing threat and the increasing ability of drones to escape jamming devices or conventional missile shields.”

The prototype laser cannon is one million times more powerful than the lasers in a QR reader, can detect a commercial drone up to 3 km away and shoot it down once it’s within 1 km.