Columnist Kristi Kellogg recaps a session at SMX East that dives into how marketers can integrate their paid search and social efforts for better marketing results.

From left to right: Pamela Parker, Executive Features Editor, Marketing Land & Search Engine Land; Tara Siegel, Senior Director of Social at Pepperjam; Maggie Malek, the head of social at the MMI Agency; and Sahil Jain, CEO of AdStage.
No news flash here. Marketing teams cannot afford to exist in silos.
Paid search and social are no exception. You can amplify the reach of both of these channels by combining your efforts and leveraging data from each together.
In the SMX East session, “Using Paid Search and Social Together,” three speakers, Tara Siegel, Jahil Sain and Maggie Malek, shared their top tips for winning with paid search and social.
Using search techniques to win at paid social by Tara Siegel
Tara Siegel, the Senior Director of Social at Pepperjam, said she is on a mission to make people understand that social must be viewed holistically. Social is an omnichannel optimizer.
It’s very important to be consistent across channels. Deliver the right message to the right people, Siegel explained.
In social, campaign goals will guide ad type and strategy. The same is true for search, with ad extensions, click-to-call, lead generation and so on.