Google sunsetting AdWords Converted Clicks in September

The Conversions metric finally takes over for AdWords’ original conversion tracking method.

So long, “converted clicks.” Google is getting rid of its original metric for tracking conversion events that debuted in AdWords in 2001 and is fully replacing it with “Conversions.”

Conversions and converted clicks have coexisted in AdWords for several years now, but Google has long been urging advertisers to use the more advanced Conversions measurement. Conversions supports multiple attribution models beyond last click, and supports cross-device conversions and store visits.

Google announced on Monday that support for Converted clicks will end after September 2016. Advertisers using Target CPA or Enhanced CPC with Converted clicks should switch to using Conversions by September 21.

Google says it will email affected advertisers a migration tool for making the switch, but it’s easy to make the switch manually as well. In AdWords, select Conversion under Tools, and switch to Conversions under the Settings section. For reporting, select the Conversions columns instead of the Converted clicks columns.

Also starting in September, cross-device conversions will automatically be grouped in the Conversions column — currently it’s an option that’s easy to overlook.

google adwords eliminating converting clicks

Keep in mind when switching to Conversions, not all conversion events need to be counted in the Conversions column in reporting — you may choose to only count calls and event registrations in Conversions and not include PDF downloads, for example. Actions that aren’t included in Conversions are included in the “All conversions” column.

You’ll also need to decide whether to count an action multiple times or just once in the Edit settings section of each conversion action you set up. For example, if someone downloads several PDFs, you may want to count that as one conversion event, whereas you may opt to count each purchase after an ad click as a separate conversion.

Finally, Converted clicks reporting will be lost after September, so if you want to keep any historical reporting from Converted clicks, download that before the end of September.