AdWords Express expands deeper click-to-call reporting, adds ad scheduling and more

Three new features arrive for small businesses using Google’s automated ad service.

Google is adding more functionality to AdWords Express, the automated service for small and local businesses that may or may not have their own websites to run an ad campaign on Google.

Three new features are now available on the service.

  1. Google is expanding its test of click-to-call reporting called Verified Calls. Advertisers who opt in to Verified Calls can get more detailed information about the mobile calls generated from their ads, including area codes and call duration. Google says many advertisers now have access and hopes to make Verified Calls available to all AdWords Express customers soon. verfied calls adwords express
  2. New ad scheduling capabilities let advertisers select the days and hours to run their ad — during the hours they are open or have staff on hand to answer phone calls, for example. Advertisers that have their AdWords Express accounts linked to Google My Business can select the “Business hours” option to automatically set the ads to run during hours of operation.

3. A new Map Actions chart shows advertisers how many people who saw an AdWords Express ad then clicked the location extension in the ad to view the business on Google Maps. This can help local brick-and-mortar advertisers connect online traffic to in-store foot traffic.
