Salesforce Now Has 1.4 Million Learners On Trailhead

“If you haven’t been on this is an amazing place to go,” says Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. “You can learn all the technical skills to be successful in this Salesforce ecosystem. Our customers are just on there at an incredibly high rate. We have more than 1.4 million users on Trailhead now and 25 percent said that they changed jobs in the last year because of the skills that they got on”

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, discusses the signing of the White House Job Training Pledge and announced that they now have over a million users on in an interview with Jim Cramer on CNBC:

More Than a Million Users On

That (White House Job Training Pledge) is probably the most exciting thing that I have seen happening in the Salesforce ecosystem. We have this broad ecosystem that surrounds our company. While we’re talking about these incredible (quarterly) results here today, the one thing that makes me even more excited is the work we’re doing with people retraining them. Reskilling them is kind of the technical word.

We’re able to get people onto this service. We call it Trailhead. If you haven’t been on this is an amazing place to go. You can learn all the technical skills to be successful in this Salesforce ecosystem. Our customers are just on there at an incredibly high rate. We have more than 1.4 million users on Trailhead now and 25 percent said that they changed jobs in the last year because of the skills that they got on

We Signed the White House Pledge For Jobs To Reskill America

We even had an amazing event in Indianapolis just a couple weeks ago with Ivanka Trump. We signed that White House pledge for jobs because we’re reskilling America. That’s our job. We want to make sure everybody can participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That’s really exciting to me. To see the success on the faces of the broad range of people who’ve had this capability that is just setting us up for a tremendous future.

Anybody who participated in jobs that don’t exist anymore, they can get onto and they can reskill. This is proven, it’s easy, and it’s free. That’s why we’ve had such great support, not just from the White House but from thousands of our customers who are also now deploying this inside their own companies. We have a product called so you as a Salesforce customer can set up your own internal reskilling system with your products. That’s a build your own ecosystem. We want everyone to be as successful as we are.

Mark Benioff added these comments during the recent earnings call:

Learners Changing Their Careers and Lives on Trailhead

Our ecosystem just developed in a huge economy around Salesforce, one that is going to create more than 3 million jobs and more than $850 billion in GDP by 2022, and that is why we’re so excited about Trailhead, which is our online learning platform and our online reskilling platform that empowers everyone.

Now we have more than 1.4 million learners changing their careers and their lives on Trailhead, and I’m sure so many of you have met these inspiring people and their incredible stories of how they transformed themselves using Trailhead. And in the quarter, our new myTrailhead product became generally available and now any of our customers can actually create their own branded service just like what we have done and reskill all their employees, customers and partners too.

myTrailhead Is a Force Multiplier

So it will be a huge driver of workforce development, which is why we are so excited that two weeks ago, we were with Ivanka Trump at our First-Over Trailblazer Day in Indianapolis, in our headquarters in Indiana, where we signed the White House Pledge to America’s Workers and we plan to give more than 1 million Americans the skills they need and earning Salesforce credentials and badges and do everything necessary to make them successful and to get top jobs in our ecosystem over the next 5 years.

myTrailhead is an excellent example and an excellent solution, not just how they can scale their people up on this modern technology, but also to prepare them for this modern world. And we see this again everywhere in the world. And we have special programs with companies all over the world to talk about how they reskill the workforce. I mentioned the meeting I had with the CEO of Telstra and his executive team and how concerned they were about the modern reports and what they wanted to do with our reskilling their workforce.

We have the same conversations with CEOs all over the world. So myTrailhead is a force multiplier. It is so important on so many levels when you think about modern skills and we’re very, very excited about that. Bret, do you want to comment more from a product perspective?