Coming Soon: Bing Ads Editor For Mac

At a Bing Ads event yesterday at Microsoft, Bing announced they are finally brining a desktop editor to Macs for Bing Ads.

The expected release date is early summer of 2016, which is some way off, but there is a beta being tested right now.

It made a big impression with a lot of the folks, industry experts, at the Bing event yesterday. @FrancesDR posted on Twitter his excitement on the news.

Two additional new features coming to the editor includes:

  • Multi-account management: In this version, you will be able to manage multiple accounts with ease. Add as many accounts as you want and download campaign data for multiple accounts simultaneously, right from the accounts manager window. You will also be able to open each account in a separate editor window and drag/drop or copy/paste entities across accounts.
  • Simplified navigation: Using the simplified navigation under the account tree, you will be able to access your location targets or sitelinks extensions with just one click. The list will also display the number of entities of each type within the selected scope making your campaign management tasks a lot easier.

Here is a video of what is to come:

Forum discussion at Twitter.